You may not be aware of what radon is, but you should be. It’s important to have your home checked for a possible potential high level of radon. The government suggests a home should be tested for radon every two years, as well as tested when purchasing a new house, making structural changes to your home or occupying a previously unused level of a house.
Radon is an invisible gas, which is odorless and tasteless, that comes from the breakdown of uranium inside the earth. Testing a house for radon is a simple test that you can hire-it-done (which will be more expensive if you are on a time restraint and need a radon result within a 48-hour period) or you can perform the test on your own by obtaining a test kit from the county in which you reside.
More than 20,000 Americans die of radon-related lung cancer every year. Indoor radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and breathing it over long periods of time can present significant health risks to all families. Radon can simply be detected by using a radon monitor or test kit, which is placed in the home, and depending on what style monitor is used depends on the length of time needed to complete the actual test.
I use a radon tester for my clients that will take 48-hours to perform with results the same day the unit is picked up. Other test kits can be obtained through the county in which you live. It will take 3 to 7 days for testing and then you have to mail the test kit off to get your results. The testing company that receives the kit usually will have your results to you the day they receive and analyze it. They will email you with the results, so don't forget to include your email address.
Radon test kits can be obtained in the following counties:
In Oakland County: North Oakland Health Center in Pontiac, MI or the South Oakland Health Center in Southfield, MI. These test kits must be picked up and will cost $10.00 each. This cost includes the test kit and mailing for results.
**** Radon test kits are available for half price at Oakland County Health Division during National Radon Action Month in January. For $5, Oakland County homeowners can protect their health by testing their homes for radon. After January the price for each kit will go back to $10.00 each. ***
In Wayne County: Health Administration Building/Environmental Health on Van Born Road in Wayne, MI. The kit is free to all residents of Wayne county (1 test kit per household and must be picked up)
In Macomb County: Central Health Center in Mt. Clemens, MI or the Southwest Health Center in Warren, MI. The kit is free to all Macomb County residents and must be picked up.