Q: When everything on the exterior of the house is covered in snow, can you still inspect the house?
A: Yes, the house can still be inspected when it has snowed. Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks of having a house inspected in the wintertime. The roof of the house cannot be inspected physically or visibly when it is covered with snow or ice. If driveways, walkways, patios, porches or decks, etc. have not been shoveled or not shoveled well enough to view their condition, will also make it difficult for any inspector to comment on its condition.
Q: How much of a discount do you offer when things are snow covered?
A: We do not discount the cost of a home inspection due to snow-covered areas.
Q: How much do you charge for a home inspection?
A: The home inspection cost is based on each individual home. We need all the information regarding the house (See form on our website) in order to base the fee. This will also help us to determine how much time we will need you to set aside to go through the inspection process with the inspector.
Q: When are you available to perform my home inspection?
A: You would need to call our office to find out availability. (248-855-5566)
Q: What are the things that you inspect on a house?
Our inspector is there to inspect the major things on the home:
- Roof – if physically possible (i.e., snow or ice covered, or if too steep)
- Construction, remodeling and single systems/single item inspections
- Investigative and troubleshooting inspections
- Insulation
- Plumbing system: The type of plumbing and the condition, the water pressure in the house (checked by functional flow), hot water tank and all plumbing fixtures
- The heating system
- The heat exchanger in the furnace. (This is what separates carbon monoxide from the air we breathe)
- The air conditioning. (The temperature outside must be 65-degrees to check without damaging the system)
- We verify there is a heat source in each room
- The electrical system: The type of wiring, the condition of the wiring, adequacy of the service, illegal, improper and homeowner wiring
- The structure of the house
- The foundation of the house
- Basement leaks
Q: Do you offer repair estimates?
A: No, we do not give estimates for repairing or replacement of the items found on your inspection. We do recommend that you get estimates from qualified contractors for replace or repairing the things that are found.
Q: Do you inspect swimming pools?
A: We do not inspect swimming pools. Swimming pool companies have the proper equipment for inspecting the condition of pools
Q: Do you offer inspections on such things as sewer, septic and well inspections?
A: We do not inspect sewers. A plumber with the proper camera equipment can inspect the sewer and let you know the condition of it. Septic and wells are underground and a different field of expertise. They take different equipment to inspect. There are companies that only do these types of inspections.
Q: The furnace is really old in the house that I am looking at. Do I need to hire a furnace guy to look at it?
A: The furnace is part of our inspection. We will also check the heat exchanger in the furnace to make sure it does not leak carbon monoxide. The heat exchanger is what separates the carbon monoxide from the air we breathe.
Q: Can I see the inspection agreement before you do the home inspection?
A: Before we start your inspection you are given our inspection agreement to read and sign before we can begin the inspection.
Q: Can I schedule the home inspection via email?
A: We ask that you fill out the form from our website (www.technihouse.com ) or call our office directly (248-855-5566) so we can obtain all the necessary information from you pertaining to the property that you need to have inspected.
Q: Can I be there for the inspection?
A: We encourage our clients to be on the inspection at the time of your scheduled appointment. The inspector feels that it’s not only important that you get to see the things they may find, but they can also address any questions or concerns you may have at that time.
Q: When will I receive my inspection report?
A: You will receive your report the same day as your inspection.
Q: What type of payment do you accept?
A: We accept cash or check at the time services are rendered. We do not accept credit or debit cards.
Q: Can my father be on my inspection with me?
A: Yes, your father can accompany you on the inspection.
Q: Are your inspectors licensed?
A: Please check out our website for the licensing and credentials of our inspectors. (www.technihouse.com)
Q: How will the inspector get into the house for the inspection?
A: If you are working with a Realtor or homeowner, you will have to make arrangements with them to be able to get into the property on the day and time you are scheduled to have your house inspection.
Q: I am getting an FHA loan for the house I intend to purchase. Can your inspectors do FHA inspections?
A: We do not do FHA inspections. They have specific regulations they require for home inspections. You can check out FHA approved home inspectors through the ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors) website to find an approved FHA home inspector. (www.ashi.org )
Q: Do you inspect commercial properties?
A: Yes we do perform commercial properties. If this is the type of inspection you need, we ask that you call our office (248-855-5566) so we can obtain the necessary information regarding the property. We can then let you know our cost as well as availability for scheduling.